Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Review: Mindscape Kakuro for PC

There are two main reasons why you should not buy, let alone install, the latest release from Mindscape on your PC. First, you will get nothing done. If you have not yet been bitten by the Kakuro or Sudoku bugs, you have presumably been plane-wrecked on an uncharted island, live on some far-flung planet in a time that Dr Who has not yet visited - or maybe you just don't get the daily papers.

Kakuro and Sudoku are basically number puzzles, using the numbers 1 to 9 on grids of squares where no number is repeated in a line. What happens then depends on which game you are playing. They were devised in Japan and are guaranteed to hook you in, chew you up and spit you out.

The software - Mindscape Sudoku comes as a bonus CD with Mindscape Kakuro - gives you a virtually unlimited range of Kakuro and Sudoku puzzles all the way up to grids of 16x16 squares - which is about as mind-blowing as you would want these games. There are few bells and whistles, but with classic puzzles like this, who needs them? The options are things such as difficulty levels, fonts, colours or background graphics. And, more usefully, practice and "pencil" modes which help you learn the game.

You can even print the puzzles out and take them to work with you - you need never buy another newspaper again. Which is the other reason why you should not buy, let alone install, the latest release from Mindscape on your PC. I will be out of a day job. But if you really want to, go ahead. It seems a bit weird comparing a puzzle such as Kakuro with a whole imaginary world such as 24, but at this price, you won't find a better game this year...

Mindscape Kakuro is published by Mindscape at £9.99. Bytes: Rebooted score 9/10 (because you can always go one better.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Sudoku !

2:59 pm  

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